Evan Archambo




1/7/23: The Wigwam 8:00pm

1/14/23: Peter, Paul, & Mary Tribute Children’s Program Fundraiser: Cheboygan Opera House 7:30pm

1/17/23: Red Mesa, Boyne 6:00pm

2/2/23: The Dirty Duck 7:00pm

2/4/23: Black Lake Sturgeon Shivaree 3:00pm

2/10/23: The Wigwam 8:00pm

2/12/23: Great Lakes Burn Camp Benefit @ 211 Bar & Grill NOON

3/17/23: 211 Bar & Grill St Patrick’s 7:00pm

4/6/23: The Dirty Duck 7:00

4/20/23: Sozo, Cheboygan 1:00pm

4/27/23: The Brook, Rogers City (business after-hours) 5:00pm

4/29/23: Rusted Saw, Brutus 5:30pm ‘Battle of The Barrels’

5/5/23: The Chateau at Black Mountain 7:00pm

5/6/23: MCHS Prom 

5/12/23: The Wigwam 8:00pm


1. Tip of the Mitt Region of Women Lawyers Association of Michigan @ Lark Theater, Cheboygan 10:00am

2. The Queens Head/Lark Lounge 5:30pm

5/27/23: Jose’s Cantina, St. Ignace 5:30pm

6/3/23: Jose’s Cantina, St. Ignace 6:00pm

​6/9/23: Rehearsal, Gaylord

6/10/23: Wedding, Gaylord

6/14/23: Awakon FCU Business After Hours @ Rogers City International Club 5:00pm

6/16/23: The Chateau at Black Mountain 7:00pm

6/22/23: Rehearsal

​6/23/23: Wedding, Nipigon Cheboygan

6/24/23: Wedding, Bellaire

6/30/23: Rehearsal, Atlanta 

7/1/23: Wedding, Atlanta 

7/2/23: Limberlost Houghton Lake 5:00pm

7/4/23: Red Mesa, Boyne 6:00pm

7/7/23: Jose’s Cantina, St. Ignace 6:00pm

7/8/23: BC St. Ignace 7:00pm*

7/12/23: Rusty Saw 6:00pm

7/13/23: Foundry Elk Rapids 7:00pm

7/14/23: Sun Outdoors RV Resort Petoskey Bay Harbor 6:00pm

7/15/23: BC St. Ignace 8:00pm*

7/16/23: Ponemah Lakeside Lodge 1:00pm

7/21/23: Limberlost Houghton Lake 5:00pm


1. Cheboygan Farmers Market 10:00am

2. BC St. Ignace 8:00pm*

7/27/23: Private Event, Boyne Highlands 5:00pm

7/28/23: Limberlost Houghton Lake 5:00pm

7/29/23: BC St. Ignace 8:00pm*

7/30/23: Ponemah Lakeside Lodge NOON

8/4/23: Rehearsal 

​8/5/23: Wedding

8/11/23: Jose’s Cantina, St. Ignace 6:00pm

8/12/23: BC St. Ignace 8:00pm

8/13/23: Ponemah Lakeside Lodge 1:00pm

8/14/23: Charlevoix Public Library 6:30pm

​8/18/23: Cheboygan Brewing CO. 6:00pm

​8/19/23: BC St. Ignace 7:30pm*

8/26/23: BC St. Ignace 7:00pm*

8/29/23: Foundry Elk Rapids 6:00pm

9/1/23: Jose’s Cantina, St. Ignace 6:00pm

9/2/23: BC St. Ignace 7:00pm*

9/3/23: Limberlost Houghton Lake 5:00pm

9/8/23: Jose’s Cantina 5:30pm

9/10/23: Rippling Rapids Golf Course 3:00pm

9/13/23: The Queens Head 5:30pm POSTPONED DUE TO MAJOR FIRE DOWNTOWN

9/14/23: The Queens Head 5:30pm POSTPONED

9/15/23: Jose’s Cantina 5:30pm

9/16/23: BC St. Ignace 6:00pm

9/17/23: Ponemah Lakeside Lodge NOON

9/22/24: The Wigwam 8:00pm

9/29/23: Rehearsal 

9/30/23: Wedding

10/1/23: Benefit at Rippling Rapids for Tim Dowling 1:00pm

10/5/23: Private Event, Lark Lounge 5:00pm

10/13/23: Rehearsal

10/14/23: Wedding

10/17/23: Red Mesa, Boyne 6:00pm

10/21/23: The Wigwam 8:00pm

10/27/23: Cheboygan Yacht Club Halloween TBD [dj]

11/3/23: Chateau at Black Mountain 7:00pm

11/4/23 Rogers City Chamber of Commerce Awards Dinner 4:00pm

11/18/23: The Wigwam 8:00pm

11/22/23: The Queens Head/Lark Lounge 5:30pm

12/1/23: Chateau at Black Mountain 7:00pm

12/8/23: ‘Good Morning Cheboygan’ Citizens Ntl. Bank 7:30am

12/16/23: The Wigwam 8:00pm

12/31/23: Chateau at Black Mountain [dj] TBD


5/31/24: Rehearsal

6/1/24: Wedding, Wolverine

6/7/24: Jose’s Cantina 5:30pm

6/8/24: Wedding, Alger 

7/5/24: Jose’s Cantina 6:00pm

7/19/24: Jose’s Cantina 6:00pm

8/16/24: Jose’s Cantina 6:00pm

9/5/24: Rehearsal

9/6/24: Wedding, Castle Farms

Book Now:
[email protected]

(231) 420-4344



1/6/24: The Wigwam 8:00pm

1/9/24: Red Mesa, Boyne City 6:00pm

1/18/24: Cheboygan Chamber of Commerce Awards Dinner @ Knights of Columbus 5:00pm

2/3/24: Black Lake Sturgeon Shivaree 2:30pm

2/10/24: Chateau at Black Mountain 7:00pm

2/11/24: UAW Childrens Burn Camp Fundraiser @ 211 Bar & Grill 12:00pm

2/25/24: ‘British Are Coming’ Childrens Program Fundraiser Concert @ Cheboygan Opera House 7:00pm

3/9/24: Chateau at Black Mountain 7:00pm

3/16/24: Chateau at Black Mountain 7:00pm

3/30/24: The Wigwam 8:00pm

4/2/24: Red Mesa, Boyne 6:00pm

4/5/24: The Keg, Waters 7:00pm

4/12/24: International Sports Bar 9:00pm

4/13/24: Joses Cantina 5:00pm time subject to change

4/19/24: Hive North 7:00pm

4/20/24: Joses Cantina 5:00pm

4/26/24: International Sports Bar 9:00pm

4/27/24: The Wigwam 8:00pm

5/3/24: Joses Cantina 5:00pm time subject to change

5/4/24: GHS Prom

5/11/24: Joses Cantina 5:00pm

5/17/24: Joses Cantina 5:00pm


1. Womens Lawyers Assoc. of Michigan @ The Lark Lounge 10:00am

2. Chateau at Black Mountain 7:00pm

5/24/24: Limberlost 5:00pm

5/25/24: Cheboygan Brewing Co. 6:00pm

5/30/24: Cheboygan Womans Resource Center Chairty Event @ The Lark Apartment 5:00pm

5/31/24: Rehearsal

6/1/24: Wedding, Wolverine

6/2/24: Ponemah Lakeside Lodge 1:00pm

6/7/24: Joses Cantina 5:30pm

6/8/24: Wedding, Alger 

6/14/24: Rogers City Art Walk 5:00pm

6/15/24: The Foundry, Elk Rapids 7:00pm

6/18/24: Joses Cantina 6:00pm

6/20/24: Lucy’s Backyard, Grand Haven 6:00pm

6/21/24: The Wigwam 8:00pm

6/22/24: The Foundry, Elk Rapids 7:00pm

Jose’s Cantina 7:00pm

6/25/24: Joses Cantina 6:00pm

6/27/24: Nancy Lindsay Retirement @ Citizens National Bank Main 11:00am

6/28/24: Rehearsal 

6/29/24: Wedding, Petoskey

7/2/24: Joses Cantina 6:00pm

7/3/24: Nauti Inn 5:30

7/4/24: Limberlost 5:00pm


1. Private Event, Cheboygan

2. Joses Cantina 6:30pm

7/6/24: BC St. Ignace 8:00pm

7/12/24: Jose’s Cantina 6:00pm

7/13/24: BC St. Ignace 7:00pm

7/16/23: Joses Cantina 6:00pm

7/18/23: Independence Village, Petoskey 2:30pm

7/19/24: Joses Cantina 6:00pm

7/20/24: BC St. Ignace 8:00pm

7/21/24: Limberlost 5:00pm

cancelled due to timing issue

7/23/24: Jose’s Cantina 6:00pm

7/27/24: Limberlost 5:00pm

7/30/24: Joses Cantina 6:00pm

8/2/24: Cheboygan Brewing Co. 6:00pm

8/3/24: BC St. Ignace 8:00pm

8/6/24: Joses Cantina 6:00pm


1. Cheboygan County Fair 2:00pm

2. The Wigwam 8:00pm

cancelled due to power outage


1. Top of Michigan Outboard Nationals Private Party

2. BC St. Ignace 7:30pm

8/11/24: Ponemah Lakeside Lodge 1:00pm

8/13/24: UAW International Veterans Conference 6:00pm

8/16/24: Joses Cantina 6:00pm

8/17/24: BC St. Ignace 7:30pm

cancelled due to rain

8/20/24: Joses Cantina 6:00pm

8/22/24: ‘Dale Rieger & Friends’

Cheboygan ‘Concert in the Park’ 7:00pm

8/23/24: Biere De Mac Brew Works 7:00pm

8/24/24: BC St. Ignace 7:30pm

8/27/24: Joses Cantina 6:00pm

8/31/24: BC St. Ignace 7:30pm

9/1/24: Joses Cantina 5:00pm

9/3/24: Joses Cantina 6:00pm

9/5/24: Rehearsal 

9/6/24: Wedding, Castle Farms


1. Greg McKinley Memorial

2. BC St. Ignace 6:00pm

9/10/24: Red Mesa Grill, Boyne 6:00pm

9/13/24: Joses Cantina 5:00pm

9/14/24: BC St. Ignace 6:00pm

9/17/24: Joses Cantina 5:00pm

9/20/24: Joses Cantina 6:00pm

9/21/24: Alpine Tavern 6:00pm

9/28/24; Beer City Brewers Festival, Calder Square, Grand Rapids 3:30pm

10/3/24: Rehearsal 

10/4/24: Setup

10/5/24: Wedding, Tower

10/10/24: Rehearsal

10/11/24: Wedding, Stockbridge

10/12/24: Wedding Cocktail Acoustic

10/19/24: Wedding, UAW

11/2/24: Lucy’s, Grand Haven 6:00pm

11/13/24: Urban Bird & CO. 5:30pm

(downtown Cheboygan Ladies Night)

11/14/24: Fernelius Business After Hours

Cheboygan Festival of Trees 5:00pm

11/23/24: Wedding, Cheboygan

12/5/24: Urban Bird & Co.

(Cheboygan Hospitality Night) 5:00pm

12/8/24: Cheboygan Yacht Club/Cheboygan Pickleball Club Christmas Party

@ The Carnegie Library 2:00pm


1. ‘Good Morning Cheboygan’ @ Citizens National 7:30am

2. Wheelers Christmas Party @ Audie’s 6:30pm

12/14/24: Archambo Electric/Junction 33

Christmas Party 7:00pm

12/31/24: Jose’s Cantina 5:30pm


1/17/24: ‘One Hit Wonders’

Children’s Program Benefit

1 /23/25: ‘Thank You: Volunteers and Sponsors

of Rogers City Chamber of Commerce’

@RC Community Center 6:00pm

@ Cheboygan Opera House 7:00pm

1/31/25: Black Lake Sturgeon Shivaree 3:00pm

5/30/25: Rehearsal

5/31/25: Wedding, Petoskey

6/13/25: Rehearsal

6/14/25: Wedding, Lewiston

6/20/25: Rehearsal

6/21/25: Wedding, Mt. Pleasant

6/22/25: Rippling Rapids Golf Course 6:00pm

7/5/25: BC St. Ignace 8:00pm

7/12/25: BC St. Ignace 7:00pm

7/19/25: BC St. Ignace 8:00pm

7/26/25: BC St, Ignace 8:00pm

8/1/25: ‘Archambo’s Dirty 30 Mini-Music Festival’

8/2/25 details to be announced in 2025

8/9/25: Wedding, Cheboygan

8/16/25: BC St. Ignace 8:00pm

8/23/25: BC St. Ignace 8:00pm

8/29/25: Rehearsal

8/30/25: Wedding, Emmet County

9/13/25: BC St. Ignace 6:00pm

10/18/25: Wedding, Cheboygan

10/24/25: Rehearsal

10/25/25: Wedding, Alpena


6/6/26: Wedding, Cross in The Woods

Evan Archambo Music is proud to be

the puck sponsor for

the Adrian College Bulldogs

Mens D2 hockey team.

Throughout the course of his musical career, Evan Archambo has won over the hearts of music lovers from all walks of life. Performing at a variety of venues across the United States and beyond, making appearances and writing new singles, Archambo has been earning the admiration and affection of fans in the early stages of his life-beginning his launch into the musical world at a young age.

With over a decade of experience in the music industry, Archambo has gained a notable reputation for his solo career and collaborations. Not content to rest on his laurels, always building towards the next performance, continually adding more classics to his repertoire. It is a common belief that music should be shared with listeners as much as possible. That’s why this songwriter, musician, singer, and dj, tours on a frequent basis.

©2024 by Evan Archambo Music